August 15, 2010


Upcoming Events

ISSS Trips

ISSS Workshops

Academics & Study Skills Workshops

Career Workshops

Wellness & Recreation

Leadership Workshops

Diversity Workshops



Our Fall 2010 orientation program will be held from Sunday, August 22 - Friday, August 27. In this newsletter, we would like to inform you about the workshops that will take place during the orientation program. Please note that not all of the workshops at International Student Orientation are described below. The complete schedule is available at:


The following workshops are described in the ISSS Workshops section below:

“Bank Accounts: What You Should Know”
“Protecting Yourself: What You Should Know”
“On-Campus Employment”
“Applying for a Social Security Card: Step 1”
“How to Stay Healthy in a Fast Food Culture”
“What Your Graduate Student Association Can Do for You”
“Tips for International Teaching & Research Assistants”
“Great Things to Know about Buffalo”
“UB Recreation Services”
“Public Transportation in Buffalo”
“Your UB Card: Meal Plans, Etc.”
“Life in the Residence Halls”
“Shopping for Bargains”
“Understanding UB: Rules & Regulations”
“Dating: Cultural Differences & U.S. Laws . . . What You Should Know”
“New York State Driver’s Licenses & Car Registration”

Upcoming Events

No Announcement

ISSS Trips

No Announcement

ISSS Workshops

“Bank Accounts: What You Should Know”
Sunday, August 22
Knox Hall 104
Monday, August 23
Knox Hall 104

This workshop will inform you about terminology used in banking, different types of banking accounts, features of checking accounts, types and uses of credit and debit cards, and how to write a check, interpret a bank statement and protect yourself from fraud.
Presenters: Josephine Dasta, Bank of America; Curtenay Pottratz, HSBC Bank; Nick Gentile, M&T Bank

“Protecting Yourself: What You Should Know”
Sunday, August 22
Knox Hall 104
Monday, August 23
Knox Hall 104

This workshop will provide useful tips and strategies to protect you, your belongings and your apartment. The suggestions are easy to follow, and will increase your feelings of safety and security.
Presenters: Diane Hardy, International Student & Scholar Services, UB / Steve Herberger, Environment, Health & Safety Services, UB

“On-Campus Employment”
Monday, August 23
Knox Hall 20

This workshop will give you an overview of the on-campus work environment. It will help you develop a plan and strategies to network on-campus in order to find employment that is meaningful to your academic pursuits.
Presenter: Megan Pendergast, Career Services, UB

"Applying for a Social Security Card: Step 1”
Tuesday, August 24
Knox Hall 104
Wednesday, August 25
Knox Hall 104

This session is for F-1 students who have written job offer and all J-1 students. Attendance at this session is required of any student who wishes to apply for a Social Security Card during International Student Orientation. Come find out how to fill out the Social Security application and supplemental form, what documents to bring, what to do if you haven’t found housing yet and much more.
Presenters: Ellen Dussourd & Jessica Ereiz, International Student & Scholar Services, UB

“How to Stay Healthy in a Fast Food Culture”
Tuesday, August 24
Knox Hall 110

Come find out how smart food choices and a balanced lifestyle can help keep you healthy. Learn tips for navigating the U.S. food supply and managing stress.
Presenter: Janice Cochran, Wellness Education Services, UB

“What Your Graduate Student Association Can Do for You”
Tuesday, August 24
Knox Hall 104

All graduate students are invited to meet their Graduate Student Association officers and find out what the GSA can do for them.
Presenter: Graduate Student Association Representative, UB

“Tips for International Teaching & Research Assistants”
Tuesday, August 24
Knox Hall 104

Find out about common problems faced by International TA’s and RA’s, and ways to handle them. This workshop aims to prepare you for your first teaching assignment in U.S. classrooms and research work in UB labs.
Presenters: UB International Teaching and Research Assistants

“Great Things to Know about Buffalo”
Wednesday, August 25
Knox Hall 110

Learn interesting things about your new home in the U.S. . . . Buffalo! We will discuss some of Buffalo’s proud history, and tell you about the great things that Buffalo and Western New York have to offer you.
Presenter: Eric Comins, International Student & Scholar Services, UB

“UB Recreation Services”
Wednesday, August 25
Knox Hall 110

Come hear about the services that Recreation & Intramural Services provides to students. Information detailing programs, activities and hours of operation will be discussed as well.
Presenter: Cameron Lewis, Informal Recreation, Division of Athletics, UB

“Public Transportation in Buffalo”
Wednesday, August 25
Knox Hall 104

Come learn how to use Buffalo’s public transportation system (bus and train), which is called the NFTA (Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority). Walking, bicycle riding and UB’s shuttle service will also be discussed.
Presenters: Sami Hanna, International Student & Scholar Services, UB; Anna Peryea-Sotelo, Wellness Education Services, UB

“Your UB Card: Meal Plans, Etc.”
Wednesday, August 25
Knox Hall 110

Come find out about dining plans, Campus Cash/Dining Dollars, your UB Card, where to eat and shop on campus, how to buy room supplies, storing your stuff during breaks and much more.
Presenter: Charles Orcutt, Campus Dining & Shops, UB

“Life in the Residence Halls”
Wednesday, August 25
Knox Hall 104

This workshop will answer your initial questions about life in the residence halls. It will discuss phone and mail service, security in the halls, the use of your UB card to buy meals on campus and where to go to resolve problems with your room.
Presenter: Kevin Ahuna, University Residence Halls & Apartments, UB

“Shopping for Bargains"
Tuesday, August 24
Knox Hall 104

This workshop will give you tips for saving money at supermarkets, show you how to take advantage of second-hand shops and inform you about other ways to save money as you shop.
Presenter: Diane Hardy, International Student & Scholar Services, UB

“Understanding UB: Rules & Regulations”
Thursday, August 26
Knox Hall 110

This workshop will discuss UB policies on alcohol use, academic cheating, sexual harassment, computer abuse, and traffic and parking violations, and consequences to these actions.
Presenters: Michelle Russell & Jared Zeidman, Student Judicial Affairs, UB

"Dating: Cultural Differences & U.S. Laws...What You Should Know"
Thursday, August 26
Knox Hall 110

Learn what is acceptable and which behaviors are illegal as they pertain to interpersonal relationships. Find out about cultural differences in dating.
Presenters: Jane Fischer, Health Education & Human Services, UB / UB International Students

"New York State Driver’s Licenses & Car Registration”
Thursday, August 26
Knox Hall 110

Come find out the requirements and procedures for getting a New York State driver’s license. You will learn which types of identification are necessary and the steps to follow in applying for a license.
Presenter: Eric Comins, International Student & Scholar Services, UB

Academics & Study Skills Workshops

No Announcement

Career Workshops

No Announcement

Wellness & Recreation Workshops

No Announcement

Leadership Workshops

No Announcement

Diversity Workshops

No Announcement